The Newfoundland Club

Recognising the achievements of Newfoundlands in Working Tests

Manager: Ken Richards

It was my first time as test manager for a water test, and I'm so happy to report that it went really well! We had 39 entries, and all the stewards were absolutely amazing. They went above and beyond to help me out, and I'm so grateful to them. The weather wasn't on our side, but we still had a great weekend!
Ken Richards

Water Section B

Judges: Graham Hill & Susan Marsh

Wet, rainy, sunny, thunder, which may have contributed to the reluctance of some dogs to let their handlers swim.
Two passes, one a first time, well done to them, the rest keep up the training, thanks to all the stewards and the test manager.

Graham Hill & Susan Marsh

2 passed out of 12 entries.

Owner Pet Name Registered Name
Miss T. Clark Fanny Stelamah Salamander
Mr Alan Godden Yogi Shalowseas Waltzer


Miss T. Clark
Stelamah Salamander


Mr Alan Godden
Shalowseas Waltzer

Water Section D

Judges: Kevin Clarke & Susan Marsh

Another lovely day at Grangewaters, blue skies, calm waters and no wind. we were first in the water with 5 entries and were looking forward to a good show. we were not disappointed, some of the dogs failed with the smallest of mistakes, others needed a bit more training.
I would like to thank the stewards Alan, Sue D, Kevin S, Terry, Ella, Fran, Graham, Sue S and Rachel. The SEWN team and friends for making it a great event, my fellow judge Susan Marsh for doing all the boat work and making judging so much easier for me today.

Kevin Clarke

Thanks to Kev for co-judging and Ken for test management. 

Susan Marsh

0 passed out of 5 entries.

Owner Pet Name Registered Name

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