The Newfoundland Club

Recognising the achievements of Newfoundlands in Working Tests

Manager: Ken Richards

It was my first time as test manager for a water test, and I'm so happy to report that it went really well! We had 39 entries, and all the stewards were absolutely amazing. They went above and beyond to help me out, and I'm so grateful to them. The weather wasn't on our side, but we still had a great weekend!
Ken Richards

Water Section A

Judges: Sally Bull & Jeffrey Burridge

Thanks to NC for inviting us to judge and especially to me, Sally, for my first judging assignment which I thoroughly enjoyed.
We had 7 entrants, all of whom passed with flying colours despite the various challenges and weather conditions. It was nice to see both young and older dogs enjoying their swim.
Thank you SEWN for hosting the event and for your hospitality.

Sally Bull & Jeffrey Burridge

7 passed out of 7 entries.

Owner Pet Name Registered Name
Mrs K Hartley & Mr R Combes Archer Valhalabears Class Archer
Mr Ken Richards Chip Stelamah Chocolate Chip
Ella Barwick Coco Barachois First Impression
Mrs K Hartley & Mr R Combes Huckleberry Camnoire James
Mrs K Hartley & Mr R Combes Logan Larkharbour Black Hawk
Kevin & Sue Sanders Millie


Mrs K Hartley & Mr R Combes
Valhalabears Class Archer


Mr Ken Richards
Stelamah Chocolate Chip


Ella Barwick
Barachois First Impression


Mrs S Beal


Mrs K Hartley & Mr R Combes
Camnoire James


Mrs K Hartley & Mr R Combes
Larkharbour Black Hawk


Kevin & Sue Sanders

Water Section C

Judges: Paul Dodd & Kevin Clarke

6 passed out of 13 entries.

Owner Pet Name Registered Name
Elaine Strong Jessie Wilderland Golden Bough
Sara Davies Kubeba Barracechi Urs De Munte
Mr & Mrs K Dobson Kyra
Francesca Hewson & Jay Rhodes Mike Dawbryn Zefa's Pride
Ms Cathy Martin Twiggy Saskinbears Blue Velvet
Mr Ken Richards Valerie Saskinbears Red Red Wine


Elaine Strong
Wilderland Golden Bough


Sara Davies
Barracechi Urs De Munte


Mr & Mrs K Dobson


Francesca Hewson & Jay Rhodes
Dawbryn Zefa's Pride


Ms Cathy Martin
Saskinbears Blue Velvet


Mr Ken Richards
Saskinbears Red Red Wine

Water Section E

Judges: Kay Burridge & Ronnie Chadwick

We had 2 entries today, despite the weather we had 1 lovely pass, the 2nd dog was very close and will be there soon.
Thanks to NC for inviting us to judge and to Ken and Team SEWN for their hospitality. Special thanks to our stewards who worked hard today in the strong winds. Well done!

Kay Burridge & Ronnie Chadwick

1 passed out of 2 entries.

Owner Pet Name Registered Name
Jan & Graham Hill Wilma Zentaur Fizzical Presence


Jan & Graham Hill
Zentaur Fizzical Presence

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